Public Microsigns

Research. Experimental.

I responded to the need for multi-disciplinary visual communication requirements for different user groups. This lead me to explore pedestrian signage redesigns using semiotics and content analysis to create a more inclusive urban environment.

Public Micro-signs subverted traditional signage and offered a transgressive alternative. I blurred the lines between functional and social to fulfil the neglected creative step in the urban planning process. It used innovative combinations of design languages to turn a critical eye to the modern complexities of expansive everyday communication systems like signage.

The project received an award for Significant Contributions to the Community and was presented as part of the Culture, Health & Wellbeing International Conference. I continue to carry out workshops that encourage participants to redesign a pedestrian based on their life experiences. I have presented these workshops in various forms to a room of creative directors, activist groups and at a school for children with special educational needs. These workshops continue to inform and evolve the project.

Collage 1.jpg
Digital Collage.jpg

Assault Free Streets

Men need to do better.

Assault Free Streets is an app concept that records incidents of sexual assault and harnesses community reporting in order to plot alternative routes for vulnerable pedestrians to avoid high risk areas. It redesigns the pedestrian sign to implement changes that could be implemented in physical and digital spaces.

AFS Sign 1.jpg
AFS Sign 2.jpg
AFS Phone Mockup.jpg
AFS Logo.png
AFS App-01.jpg

First Bus, No Hate

Hate crime in Norwich is constantly rising and now accounts for 42% of all hate crimes in Norfolk, the majority of which is committed on buses. Some of this can be accounted for due to the rise in tensions brought about by rapid urbanisation and the lack of education surrounding diversity and inclusive.

First Bus, No Hate subverts the First Bus logo using the colours of their bus routes in the city to make a rainbow. It aims to counteract hate and make a more positive environment for LGBTQ+ pedestrians on public transport by making them accepted and safe in the space. It would we used a part of a wider lockdown on hate crime on their buses.

First Bus.jpg
Sticker 3 (Mockup 1).jpg
Sticker 3 (Mockup 2).jpg

Additional designs


British Sign Language


Social Convention